Scientific Papers

View publications involving AX3

Animal group
Translational Animal Science, 2022, 6, 1–9

Evaluation of the acid-binding capacity of ingredients and complete diets commonly used for weanling pigs

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Research Reports 2022, 8, 10, 17

Effects of Varying the Acid-Binding Capacity-4 in Diets Utilizing Specialty Soy Products with or without Pharmacological Levels of Zinc on Nursery Pig Performance

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology

Supplementing the early diet of broilers with soy protein concentrate can improve intestinal development and enhance short‑chain fatty acid‑producing microbes and short‑chain fatty acids, especially butyric acid

Animal group: Chicken
Language: English
Translational Animal Science, 2022, 6, 1–6

Standardized ileal digestible amino acids and digestible energy contents in two modified soy protein concentrates and soybean meal fed to growing pigs

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Poultry Science 2021, 100

Impact of feeding modified soy protein concentrate in the starter phase on growth performance and gastrointestinal responses in broiler chickens through to day 42 of age

Animal group: Chicken
Language: English
Animals 2021, 11: 281

Effects of Soy Protein Concentrate in Starter Phase Diet on Growth Performance, Blood Biochemical Indices, Carcass Traits, Immune Organ Indices and Meat Quality of Broilers

Animal group: Chicken
Language: English
Aquaculture 2020, 530, 735785

Full-fat black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) meal and paste in extruded diets for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Effect on physical pellet quality, nutrient digestibility, nutrient utilization and growth performances

Animal group: Aqua
Language: English
Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Research Reports 2023, 9, 7, 5

Dietary Acid-Binding Capacity-4 Influences Nursery Pig Performance and Fecal Dry Matter

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
53èmes Journées de la Recherche Porcine 2021, A48

Mesure de la digestibilité et calcul des valeurs nutritionnelles pour le porcelet sevré, d’un nouveau concentré de protéine de soja en comparaison avec du tourteau de soja et de la farine de poisson

Animal group: Piglet
Language: French
Animal 2022, 13, 2 P68

Can production modifications of a soy protein concentrate alter digesta kinetics and nutrient digestibility in weaned piglets?

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Intercoop workshop swine, Vannes 2021

The digestibility and feeding value evaluation of a new soy protein concentrate in weaned piglets

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Research Reports 2022, 8, 10 art 11

Use of Specialty Soy Products to Replace Poultry Meal and Spray- Dried Blood Plasma in Diets Provided to Nursery Pigs Housed in Commercial Conditions

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Research Reports 2023, 9, 7 art 4

Evaluation of Specialty Soybean Products and Organic Acids to Alter Nursery Dietary Acid-Binding Capacity-4 on Pig Performance and Fecal Dry Matter

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
Kansas Agricultural Experimental Station Research Reports 2023, 9, 7 art 6

Effects of Altering Dietary Acid-Binding Capacity-4 with Specialty Soy Protein Sources or Acidifiers on Nursery Pig Performance and Fecal Dry Matter

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English
ZeroZincSummit 2022, O2-2

Modified SPC can influence performance, health, digesta kinetics, and nutrient digestibility of weaned piglets

Animal group: Piglet
Language: English