We take a science-based approach
The effect of AX3 gastric’s particle size on performance and health status of small weaning piglets
The smallest of the small piglets utilised the SR-Elite diet very efficient, which indicates that the SR-Elite diet is particularly beneficial for the extra small piglets after weaning
Comparison of four diets containing either fish meal and blood plasma, AX3 Digest, AX3 Advanced or AX3 Gastric as the main protein source for small piglets after weaning.
Utility of advanced soy protein concentrates in starter feeding program to support early development of broiler chickens for enhanced and efficient performance through to market weight
The Feeding Value Evaluation Of Ax3digest In Weaned Piglets Triple A
Impact of different doses of modified soy protein concentrate (AX3Advanced®GMO) on growth performance and intestinal physiology in broiler chickens
60 VA20 23 Effect Of Crude Protein Level, ABC 4 Value, And Prot...
Piglet2018feedresfac Productivity Fishm SPC56 Ax3digest Report Final180614 Testgris DK
Piglet2012univtrial Digestibility AA Ax3dig Vs AS530 Vs SBM Illinois US
The Prestarter Diet On Growth Performance And Gastrointestinal Tract Traits Of Broilers From 0 To 35 Days Of Age
FIS20191217AAA Final Report Effect Of Ax3digest On Performance Of Piglets
Piglet2014univtrial Productivity Ax3dig Vs FM Vs SPC Leeds UK
20190821 Protocal For Bigscale Demonstration Test In Broilers By Dr. Q(1)
Impact of the use of different sources of modified Soy Protein on performance and diarrhea scores of pigs during nursery period
The effect of modified SPCs fed using different dietary conditions on weaned piglet performance, health, intestinal physiology, microbiology, nutrient digestibility, and N retention